Another gorgeous summer day in Buffalo: the sun is out, the clouds are fluffy, the temperature is high, the breeze keeps it from getting too hot, the shade is so inviting. Of course I’m at work. Of course I want to run around and people-watch and flirt and read and, in general, NOT BE AT WORK.

But here I sit. I know that, in a mere few hours, I’ll be free to run around and people-watch and flirt and read, etc., but the few hours seem interminable.

I’ve been thinking ‘bout beer. I want some now. Foamy and cold, running down my gullet. How lovely that would be! And I’m thinking ‘bout hanging out with people. Yes, just days ago I thought I had an antisocial fit coming on, and now I’m all antsy and buzzy, and I want to meet everyone in the world!


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